Basic Reporting Dashboard with PowerBI

Putik Dhiraramanti
3 min readAug 15, 2020


Photo by Stephen Dawson on Unsplash

Suppose you are just getting started on using data analysis tools. In that case, PowerBI is one of the excellent analysis tools that you can use to produce a beautiful looking report while compiling data from multiple data sources. I like PowerBI because we can combine various data sources, process them, and then create a good looking report.

In this article, I will provide you with a step-by-step of making an example report in PowerBI. You need a PowerBI desktop installed in your machine to follow this step-by-step guide. Once you open the PowerBI desktop, you will be welcomed by this screen below. For this report example, we will use data from Excel. As you can see, you can load data from multiple types of data sources, such as Excel, text/CSV, SQL Server, Analysis Services, web, etc.

Once you choose the file from the file directory, you will be redirected to the navigator page, select the desired sheet, and click Load.

In this example below, you can drag and drop the fields based on the visualization that you desire.

You can also add the necessary filter, in this case, the most used filter will be date-type filter such as quarter, year, month, etc.

Once you finish creating your report, you can upload the dashboard to PowerBI online to share it with convenience.

Go to your workspace, and you will see the report on which you can share and get the sharable link.

Enjoy the exploration!

